Archive of posts with category 'Fitness'

Pedal The Cause 2019

It is (past) that time of year, Pedal The Cause 2019. Here in St. Louis Pedal The Cause is one of, if not the, biggest charity bike rides you can...

Katy Trail Plan

This is the initial plan for #KatyTrail2017, as posted on the internal ClubReady Slack before the ride. This was our plan, prior to taking off, for our route. The First...

2017 Bicycle Goals

2016 was a fairly down year for my biking, I think I only commuted to the office a handful of times, and my total mileage for the year was well...

Benefit of cold weather cycling, Clearing The Sinuses

There are many obvious health benefits to riding your bicycle, and by riding your bicycle year-round, you can work to keep your body in shape for the prime riding in...

Setting goals for 2014

I've debated for the past few weeks if I was going to set any goals for 2014. I'm didn't really complete many of my goals for 2013, but I have...

Garmin Edge 510 and 810 Released

Today Garmin has released two new, very cool, products. The Garmin Edge 510 and Garmin Edge 810. You can find out more information about them with some of the information...

Day 1 of 30 days of biking 2012

I can't believe I forgot about this, but fortunately I was able to get ride in for Day 1 of 30 Days of Biking 2012. What? 30 days of...

Tracking your rides, what do you use?

So this isn’t going to be a long tip, as this topic will likely fill out future tips as well, but for now I will raise a question.

Planning your weekend rides? Taking video with you?

So what all does everyone have planned for their weekend rides? Personally I’m hoping to take the Cannondale Quick CX1 out for a ride on both Saturday and Sunday. If...