Archive of posts with category 'Missouri'

Katy Trail Trip 2020 Trip Report

2020, the year that took away bicycle events, gravel rides, get togethers. The year that took away interactions with coworkers, friends, family. The year that took away jobs.

2020 Katy Trail Shakedown Ride

My grand vision of building the Bicycle Tips brand/website in 2020 were apparently dashed with Covid. That hasn’t stopped the riding, though there has been less than planned, and no...

2020 Prairie Roubaix 100k Rural Assault Ride

It is already the second week of February, how much riding do you have in? Personally, we started out January strong, got a few outdoor rides in, and quite a...

Bicycle Tips Gravel Plans for 2020

Two weeks into the new year and we’re back with a post! Life got in the way of our plans of having more posts here early on in the year,...

2019 The Year of Gravel, in Review

Not sure we’ll get this posted before the end of 2019, but we’ve at least started writing it before then! So a quick review of all things ‘19, look for...

Pedal The Cause 2019

It is (past) that time of year, Pedal The Cause 2019. Here in St. Louis Pedal The Cause is one of, if not the, biggest charity bike rides you can...

Gravel Riding to Busch Wildlife

In prep for my riding of the Dirty Kanza 100 coming up in June, I’ve been trying to get some miles in and looking for some gravel that is “nearby”...

Riding the Katy Trail from Clinton to Machens #KatyTrail2017

Two of my three cycling goals were completed in the past few weeks. First, I rode Pedal The Cause 2017, the century again. I didn't walk any this year, though...