Archive of posts with category 'LIVESTRONG'

Dear Lance, I want to be a fan, but can’t

It is funny how two months can change things. On August 23rd I posted a blog entitled "[I still support Lance Armstrong](/i-still-support-lance-armstrong)", and at the time I meant it. But...

I still support Lance Armstrong

Today is the day that Lance Armstrong packed up camp and went home. He has publicly announced that he is no longer going to battle with the USADA over the...

Partaking in the LIVESTRONG Challenge Davis 2012

First things first. A HUGE HUGE HUGE thank you to every one of the individuals and companies that sponsored our fundraising for the event. Without your help Team ITM America...

Almost time for the Team LIVESTRONG Challenge Davis 2012, 100 mile ride

It has been far too long since I've blogged here on, hopefully I can pick up the pace here pretty soon. Natalie and I are just over 48 hours...

Riding from Parker to Denver in Colorado

This post is a couple of weeks late, my fault, I know, been a busy time getting caught up from my trip, taking another trip, and planning a trip later...