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A cycling website dedicated to bringing you the latest tips, tricks, product and ride reviews, primarily focused on gravel cycling.

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Boone Bridge Bike Trail to the Katy Trail–NOW OPEN!

In case you missed the news, the bike path connecting the Monarch Levy trail, and the Katy Trail opened up last week (week of June 10th, 2016).

Benefit of cold weather cycling, Clearing The Sinuses

There are many obvious health benefits to riding your bicycle, and by riding your bicycle year-round, you can work to keep your body in shape for the prime riding in...

Setting goals for 2014

I've debated for the past few weeks if I was going to set any goals for 2014. I'm didn't really complete many of my goals for 2013, but I have...

Garmin Edge 500 “Software Missing” after 3.2 Update

Last night Garmin was nice enough to send out an email to all Edge 500 users (assuming they sent it to anyone who has registered their device with Garmin.com). The...

Garmin Edge 510 and 810 Released

Today Garmin has released two new, very cool, products. The Garmin Edge 510 and Garmin Edge 810. You can find out more information about them with some of the information...

Dear Lance, I want to be a fan, but can’t

It is funny how two months can change things. On August 23rd I posted a blog entitled "[I still support Lance Armstrong](/i-still-support-lance-armstrong)", and at the time I meant it. But...